Cabot Prize Class – Intermediate 12 Class

ITCA Intermed

iate Class . Period October 9 – 29th , 2011
Welcome Intermediate 9 Class .
I would want to congratulate for your outstanding performance in the class activities , Please post your findings and reflections or just feelings about english class .
You can use this comands .
a.I learned today that …
b.The english class was about ….
c. I think the enblish class today was …

You can come up with other ideas .
Come on students , you can do it ,Do you remember Steve Jobs phrase? ¨ ¨ We were the first and will be the best .
Go ahead Guadalupe, Oswaldo , Gaby , Carmely , Edith , Hector , Charlie , Juan Carlos , Emmanuel , Carolina .

70 thoughts on “Cabot Prize Class – Intermediate 12 Class

  1. greetings teacher!!
    what i’ve learn from the class is
    1. never give up even if it is a obstacle in your life,
    2. try to do your best in all you life…. because you don’t know if that thing that you’re doing at that moment….. is going to be the last thing that you’ll do.
    3. look forward,always

    1. Great Oswaldo . you have ordered your ideas correctly , you are using contractions which is great , specially works fine when you’re listening . few words but well done , happy weekend .
      Teacher .

  2. Hi teacher!Today,our class was very interesting,many comments about Mr Jobs,however I learned i must apreciate every moment in my life,tell my babys how much I love them and how important is their love and smiles for me.NOTHING is more important than my babys,even job.So,thank you for bring this topic to our class.

    1. Hi Carol , That is a nice and deep reflection about your families , thanks for your comment , your posting is well structured and completely understandable . go ahead with the english language acquisition .
      I will see you next saturday .

  3. Hello Teacher Moises!!!
    How are you??
    Are some days very cold and humid.
    The last class was very interesting and importan for my, because we have can to talk over topics dairys and we learn a lot of.
    Thank you teacher for your patince.

    See you soon!!!

  4. I’m not sure if I can get to your class teacher Moises Because I are going to have surgery on my mouth this friday , I’ll be having a tooth pulled, but I’ll try to be there and I have set my topic for the class will try to get this very interesting your page congratulations

  5. Hi teacher I hope you’ll be great today
    The last class we saw and learned much about the most important events in the life of Steve Jobs and how he could change the world with new ideas and in my opinion was very interesting for me.
    See you the next class!

  6. Hi teacher, I hope you’ll be great today.
    The last class we learned a lot about the most important events in the Steve Jobs’ life and how he could change the world with new ideas and in my opinion, it was very interesting.
    See you next class!

  7. Teacher!Bonjour-Good Afternoon!I’m glad to say hello again,our class last saturday was very stressful for me-by the way,nothing about wiht the class-but i feel strong about my cualities and i think saturday was just a bad day…About Cabot Price,i think we must be proud as a country,because one of our journalist has been recognize for his honesty,and this is very important in this days;´cause we living with people who like to use masks and obviusly dc’nt want to tell the reality in our society…Well,thanks again for work so hard and worry for us and our learning.Maybe we can talk about Social Violence in our country and posible solutions.Take care!Our revoir!

  8. Guadalupe, Oswaldo , Gaby , Carmely , Edith , Hector , Charlie , Juan Carlos , Emmanuel y Carolina:
    He visto aquí algunas fotos de las clases sobre el premio que acabo de recibir en la Universidad de Columbia. Me siento muy honrado de que hayan dedicado todo ese esfuerzo a mi trabajo y al reconocimiento del Premio Moors Cabot. Ahora estoy en Estambul, en una reunión organizada por la Universidad de Columbia para discutir el futuro del periodismo independiente. Desde aquí les mando muchos saludos.
    Carlos Dada

      1. God Day friends!!!
        Hi Teacher Moises, the class last saturday was very interesting and funny, because we aren´t wearing the english for comunicate out class, only in the class room, we speak english. Thank you teacher for this.

      2. Is very importan what Carlos Dada Journal recibe the Cabot Prize this year, because his work is very honest, dangerous because is intro to corruption. Congratulations to Carlos Dada and his newpaper online: El

  9. Intermediate English Class at ITCA with Teacher Moises Gonzalez .
    Students are producing English language based in content, content was about Maria Moors Cabot Prize , this was honored to Carlos Dada , an outstanding journalist in El Salvador .
    Students have received the input,( Building Background ) Images printed were posted in the board and a briefly explanation was given by the Teacher( Lesson Delivery ),students were requested to provide their understanding about the content in consideration (Building Background) , then a sheet with the content about Columbia University and its prize given to Carlos Dada was delivered to them, after that the class was splited and roles were assigned (leader,spokesperson,vocabulary observer and note taker).
    ,once students were very familiar with the content then materials were given to them as a group to produce a wall,( copies,markers,scissors,glue,color sheets,etc )
    This video shows the lesson core which is make students produce english language .
    This video has been posted for educational purposes and is a vivid representation about how much language can students produce based in content , besides that , Salvadorians feel very proud of have people as Carlos Dada .
    Class developed in the afternoon of October 30th , 2011 at ITCA Santa Tecla , El Salvador .
    Do you want to see more ? , Please go to

    1. Bloom´s Taxonomy: Michael Jackson
      1. Remembering: Michael Jackson was: son, brother, father, Singer, dancer, famous people and altruist people.

      2. Understanding: Michael Jackson was the star of the group “The Jackson 5”. His video “Thriller” was importan in the history of the music industry. Michael Jackson was a very popular singer

      3. Application: Michael Jackson was a famous Singer who revolutions world because was the singular dancer. Everybody know of Michael Jackson because he have songs very funny and the energy of his dances. The work what Jackson made for the children was a example for other famous people: dancers, singers, actors and actress because all they made funtions for save Money for childs.

      4. Analysis : Michael Jackson was a most famous person around the world. Jackson was a is best Singer than other.

      5. Synthesis : Michael Jackson was play in the music revolution is very importan because hi intriduce a new form of dance. His songs are listening around the wold and his work for children is remember and help him for other famous people.

      6. Evaluation: Michael Jackson was best Singer. The work´s Michael Jackson was necesary for music industry because renuew the video of songs.

  10. Hi Teacher excuse me because I could not go on your page, before Thursday, but I must say that the last class was excellent and very dynamic, I was nervous, but I think this helps us to know that we should always practice, anywhere to learn faster the language thanks again.
    Juan C.

    REMEMBERING: Michael Jackson, singer, he was born in Gary, Indiana in 1958. He belong to a group called ” The Jackson 5 “, in 1970 he started to record music on his own as well.
    UNDERSTANDING:Three years after his first album performing alone he released ” Thriller “. The album was not just the best selling album of all time, it also won eight Grammy Awards and seven American Music Awards, and it helped establish the popularity of a new form of entertaiment, music videos. That becoming to Michael Jackson in a huge popstar of all time.
    APPLICATION: His video for the song ” Thriller ” was important in the history of the music industry. Michael Jackson understood the power of these videos in bringing attention to his music and to his image. He worked hard to make exciting videos with complex stories and dances.
    ANALYSIS:Michael was more successful than his brothers and sisters, becoming him to a legend.
    SYNTHESIS :Michael was a huge success; but he was also a very troubled man. His behavior and apperance became increasingly strange. He had many operations to change his face. He acted and spoke in a childlike way. Michael Jackson also went into major debt, and he suffered from injuries and illness that reportedly led him to take many kinds of pain-killing medicines.
    EVALUATION: He was a pioneer in the music, his talent left a huge mark in the music industry, but all this and all the money he could earn don´t give him happiness and he had a tragic death without find his own way…

  12. Bloom’s Taxonomy: Michael Jackson.

    Remembering:Michael Jackson the king of the pop.

    Understanding:The most famous singer in the world since 1982 by his music,videos,concerts and dance;specialy his “moon walk”step.

    Application:Creator of the album “Thriller”,this album include his most famous songs:Billie Jean,Thriller and Beat it.Michael Jackson did change the music style and revolutioned the videos home.This album has the Guinness World Records lists that record as the best-selling album of all time.

    Analysis:The music,videos and concerts were the best by the use of the advance technologies in them and explicit dance by Michael.His shows were the best than others singers or groups.

    Synthesis:The album Thriller won eight Grammy Awards and seven American Music Awards and established a new form of entertainment music videos.Michael Jackson was a humanist person and helped with his song “we are the world”.He recorded it with many others famous performers for starving people in Africa.

    Evaluation:Michael Jackson was and is the best singer in his music genre by all he did:great music,great videos,humanist help,controversy for change his skin color and speculate children violation.But Michael Jackson has been immortal by his “moon walk” step and still is great listen and dance his music. “Auhh…..”

  13. Bloom’s taxonomy:
    Remember:His name is Michael Jackson, he’s a singer, he was born in Gary, Indiana.

    Understand:His songs have revolutionized the world with its creative dance and music videos.

    Aplication: The music videos, like “thriller” have changed the industry of entretainment, as we know it.

    Analysis: He left a big change in thw world, specially in the popular culture.

    Synthesis:He eas a huge success, but he had a lot of problems in his life becuse he acted and spoke in a childlike way, he also suffered from injuries and illness that reportedly led him to take many kinds of pain-killing medicines.

    Evaluation:He was the best pop singer in the history in the world and his memory will live on in his unforgettable music,although,the problems he had in all his life.

  14. Bloom’s Taxonomy
    On 1982 “Billie Jean” was a first album. The guinness word record lists that record as the best-selling album of all time.
    Michael Jacksoon was born in Gary Indiana in 1958. He was five years old when he began singing with his brothers in a group called “The Jacksons 5”.
    In 1970 is the group changed record campanies anbd shortened their name to “The Jacksons”.
    In 1985 Michael Jackson helped write the song “we are the world”.

    Michael Jackson was a great singer, dancer and writer. He creater revolutionary dance movements that were electrifying.

    MIchael Jackson was a great and successman person.
    He has the most young than his brothers of the group. But, he was the star of the group and the leader and danced with great energy.

    Michael Jackson was born in Gary, Indiana in 1958. he was the seventh of nine children. he was five years old when he began singing with his brothers in a group called “The jackson 5”, Michael was eleven years old when they released their first album a year later. In 1970 the group record companies and shortened their name to “the Jacksons”. They continued to perform together, althoug Michael started to record music on his own as well.
    Three years later, Michael released “Thriller”. The album was the best selling album of all time.In 2009 Michael jackson died.

    Michael Jackson has been the king of pop and his music is great, so funny and he still makes the world dance and sing all the time.

  15. TV Comercial Analysis Sheet
    Part 1
    1. An antacid
    2. Party in the backyard
    3. Three old friends who meet after some time.
    4. Tables,trees,chairs,grill.
    5. Two of those friends in the party start to talk and one of them ask to other::”Hey, how long do you have?” -she is a little fat, by the way- and she says: ” I´m not pregnant” and the first one is so embarrasing that just bite her sandwich!
    Part 2
    1. People who likes to eat a lot, because it´s a party and you eat a lot as you can in a party!
    2. Nothing, even an embarrasing moment can ruined your apetite, so, if you want to go on just take this antacid and go on…
    Part 3
    1. An embarrasing moment and food, when you feel bad for something, usually we try to scape or hide, in that situation it´s better to be quiet and bite your sandwich!
    2. Sound effects and slogan, because it can make you feel in her shoes and sorry for her, and say: “I will do the same thing in that case!”

    1. A cream for legs
    2. Hospital,emergency room.
    3. Woman who is a doctor.
    4. Hospital, chairs, doors.
    5. Doctors stay to stand all day long, when she arrives at night at home, she is so tired and her legs pain a lot! when she uses a Goicochea Cream in her legs she feels so relieve!
    Part 2
    1. Women, because usually we don´t stop to work in all day, but we we want to look pretty,not tired.
    2. If you stay all day long in stand, your legs are very tired and pains a lot, so, you need something to relieve you and make you more atractive at the same time!
    Part 3
    1. A professional woman and she is very atractive. When you look her, she makes you feel tired and almost inmediatly you watch your own legs.
    2. Dialogue, sound effects; because remains you the stress of the day and how good it feels when you recive a good masage in your legs!

    It´s an alternative medicine- wich still experimental- and it takes from human genome for fight against dangerous diseases like Cancer, Obesity, Alzheimer´s and Heart diseases. This kind of drugs and treatments can change many ways to treat and also cured this illnesses, because his objective is to be a “miracle drug ” that find the source of the problem inside human body and cured eliminating sick cells.

    1. Carolina , you amazed me every day , you are incredible in the analysis , please dont stop speaking in class , go ahead , remember information you know is something that nobody will take it out from you , Ah , we didnt see your kids pictures , please remember me next saturday , I apologize .












    1. It is great to know you are getting better in English Language , keep it up Hector , Did you ever imagine making this kind of analysis ? ,, I remember the first time we met in Basic 1 . I am very proud of you , Dont stop Hector.

    1- shoes
    2- a house and a restaurant
    3-A Man and a woman
    4- shoes,food and a dog
    5- the woman narrator is answering to the questions of the men like: “why does the women go to the bathroom in group?”
    1-the women,because in the commercial, all the women are wearing new shoes.
    2-the shoes are going to give you,a new reason to be happy with you,with this shoes.
    1-The slogan and the dialogue because they support the message to understand the reason to buy this shoes.
    2-jingle and dialogue, because they are explaining the message with the lyrics and the phrases.

    1-They are trying to the people to get a credit card
    2-In a house.
    3-two parents and their children.
    4-all the common objects in a house,like a sofa,TV,radio,a table,etc.
    5- the narrator is talking about the price of the new things of the house(videogames,computer) paying with a credit card, and in the last, he talked about the price of having a good moment with the family: $0 dollars.
    2-all the good prices you can have with your card
    1-the slogan and the dialogue, because they explain the reason to get the credit card.
    2-music,sound effects and the slogan, because they are trying to the commercial to be understandable to the people.

    1. Charlie,You are very competent in English , great hability to write and understand , you are getting to success , please speak more in classes , I know you understand , just feel free and speak english .
      Teacher .

  18. Commercial 1

    Form: TV comercial
    1.1 Mercedes Benz
    1.2 country road, lots of snow
    1.3 man driving
    1.4 the vehicle Mercedez Benz have very effective brakes
    1.5 A man driving in the road, when the death appears alongside him and says “sorry”, indicated that man going to die. The man suddenly finds himself with an equipment, this have hanging a tree trunk, The driver managed to brake in time before hitting the tree and being saved. looks at death and says mockingly, “sorry”.
    2.1 The commercial is targeting people who have the economic caopacidad buying expensive cars,
    2.2 The Mercedes Benz proposed their vehicles as option safer.
    3.1 Show that more than a luxury vehicle is a safe vehicle
    3.2 music, dialogue, sound effects

    1. Great Miguel Angel,I am amazed for your competence in describing the TV commercial , Great competence in writing as well,Practice your listening and speaking and you will be completely succesfull in English Language Acquisition , keep it up .
      Teacher .

  19. Thanks Moises, I’m rusty with six months of not practicing english, dont write fluid, I verify some words to the dictionary, know I have to improve many aspects, but even with little time free, I have every desire to learn and practice. I feel handicapped by high level of my classmates, but I hope in January be in a better level. Thanks for your patience.

  20. Hi tecaher Moises, i want to say these months has been amazing because You have shown us new ways to learn english, and this helps us to improve every day, we know this languague is very important to find new opportunities in us lifes thanks Again.

  21. Tv comercial Enjoy the life by Super Selectos
    Audience: all people
    Topic: enjoy everything to do with familly, because in super seletos market have much to buy for enjoy of the life always

    Purpose: given the best prodcuts and good feelings.

  22. Religious

    i think about tis topic is waht everyone have more beliefs about any specific religious, how Christianity, islam, musulman, hindus,budismo, etc, but every person have one opinion how interpreter this religious in your life and everything to do because example much people belive to a specific religion but their actions do not go according to your beliefs for that reason i belive when you doanything first thinks of God.

    What the persuasion is other ways to teach religious and very conuntry based the god book

    More people can to use the persuasion to show how the religious can be the change the life in the world, other people use the persuasion for attract more people and this way do more money, because some people use religious for themselves benefit.

    For me if you stay or not in the religious you should belive and loves God because he is True, but you can love God and love and respect others as God loves you

  23. ISLAM:
    Muhammad ibn Abdullah was the founder of the religion of Islam.The Quran is the central religious text of Islam.
    Based on the notion of Karma-in the Indian religions is the understood as that wich causes the entire cycle of cause and effect.-,Dharma-means Law or Natural Law ( as in the natural order of things ), and societal norms.

    1. well….What is religion?….for me is a collection of cultural systems and moral values that all the persons we try to put into practice,the religion have many narratives and sacred histories that try to explain the origen of the life.
      The most popular religions around the world for me……are:
      +The Christianity.
      +The Hinduism.
      The Christianity teaches that Jesus is the son of God..for many people Jesus,Christ or the Messiah are the same person….
      Christians believe that the Jesus is the Messiah prophesiedin the Hebriew Bible…refered to the Old testament,these professions state that Jesus suffered,died,was buried,and the most important thing was RESURRECTED from the dead to open HEAVEN…..

      1. Great understanding Gaby , you are very nice speaker , please dont stop talking in class . re-read please till you feel very familiar with information . I will see you on Saturday .

    2. Thanks Teacher! My work was very short because you suggest us it can be simple and short. I hope next homework will be long…!




  25. Describe the Commercial 1.
    1. What product or service is the commercial trying to sell? Indio Chiken.
    2. Where was the commercial set? Describe the setting(s). Supermarket.
    3. Who was in the commercial? Describe the people in the commercial. Show a man bouj in the supermarket, who orden chicken to seller but he order cuantity por price.
    4. What objects were in the commercial? Describe the objects. The object is chicken for cooking. Is national product.
    5. What happened in the commercial? Provide as much detail as you can. The person is buy in the supermarket when he orden chicken to seller most cuantity but no importan to quality to him. Them go out the Indio chicken and speaking whith the man and Chicken sell what is better quality than price.

    Analyze the purpose of the commercial.
    1. Who is the target audience of the commercial? Explain how you know: Everybody, hause wife especiality.
    2. What is the message of the TV commercial? In other word, what do the commercial`s creators want the target audience to belive about the product? Quality is better than cuantity for price.

    Analyze the techniques the comercial`s creators used.
    1. What visual techniques do the commercial creator`s use to convince us of their message? Pick tho and explain how they help support the message. Message
    2. What aural techniques do the commercial creator`s use to convince us of their message? Pick two and explain how they help support the message. Dialogue and slogan: Better for price.

    Describe the Commercial 2.
    1. What product or service is the commercial trying to sell? Jhonson Jhonson Shampu
    2. Where was the commercial set? Describe the setting(s). Home, bathroom in especial
    3. Who was in the commercial? Describe the people in the commercial. Show children dancing when they take a shower was is a funny and happy shower for the kids.
    4. What objects were in the commercial? Describe the objects. Shampus Bottles
    5. What happened in the commercial? Provide as much detail as you can. Are the children take a shower in the bathroom when they dancing and they are happy when they use Jhonson Shampu for kids.

    Analyze the purpose of the commercial.
    1. Who is the target audience of the commercial? Explain how you know: children
    2. What is the message of the TV commercial? In other word, what do the commercial`s creators want the target audience to belive about the product? No most tears

    Analyze the techniques the comercial`s creators used.
    1. What visual techniques do the commercial creator`s use to convince us of their message? Pick tho and explain how they help support the message. Slogan, TV comercial
    2. What aural techniques do the commercial creator`s use to convince us of their message? Pick two and explain how they help support the message. Music and Slogan: No most Tears.

  26. The forms religions persuasion. Islam vrs. Buddhism

    The Islam is a religions with political esence. The Islam have a group what depend to the country in where to practice. Your principal people is Muhammad who is considered messeger and prophet of God. Your principal teachs are in the Quran.

    The Buddhism not only is a religion, is too a philosophy where the people practice traditions what teached for Buddha. The people what practice the Buddhism live with the five element what are: form, sensation, perception, mental formations and consciousness.

    HIV is the begining and AIDS is the final stage. This virus can be transmitted through sex, blood transfusion, contaminated hypodermic needles, pregnancy and breastfeeding. AIDS is now a pandemic.
    In 2009 around the world was infected 33.3 million people and every year 2.6 million are infected with HIV and 1.8 million death to AIDS.
    In ESA for example, are 2 high-risk behaviors, the teenegers begin too soon their sexuality, in 2002 and 2003 that 32% of females aged 15 to 19 were already sexually active. And another group: sex workers, an estimated 90% don´t use condoms with regular partners.
    Due to the dificulty in treating HIV infection, preventing infection is a key aim in controlling the AIDS pandemic promoting safe sex, and needle-exchange programmes in attemps to slow the spread of the virus. In ESA the president Saca declared June 27,2007 National HIV Testing Day as an strategy to fight HIV/AIDS.
    In our country we have many advances about the knowlege to AIDS and HIV, but unfurtunately, the treatment is very expensive and isn´t avaluable for everybody. And the discrimination continous.

    1- UNDERSTAND: HIV is the beginning and AIDS is the final stage. This virus can be transmitted through sex. Blood transfunction,during pregnancy and breast feeding. AIDS is now a pandemic.
    – APPLICATION: In 2009 around the world was infected 33.3 million people and every year 2.6 million are infected with HIV and 1.8 million of death to AIDS.
    – ANALYSIS: In El Salvador are two high-risk behaviors:the 32 percent of the female teenagers aged 15 to 19 were already sexually active; the 90 percent of the sex workers don’t use condoms with regular partners.
    – SYNTHESIS: Due to the difficulty in treating HIV infection, preventing infection is a key aim in controlling the AIDS pandemic, promoting safe sex and needle-exchange programmes in attempts to slow the spread of the virus. In El Salvador the President Elias Antonio Saca declared June 27,2007, National HIV testing day.
    – EVALUATION: In our country, we have many advances about the knowledge to AIDS and HIV, but unfortunately, the treatment is very expensive and it’s not available for everybody.

  29. Bloom’s taxonomy: AIDS.

    UNDERSTAND: AIDS a disease that convert our human system in a human immune system through of the virus HIV and doesn’t have cure

    APPLICATION: This disease only can be breaked, and the patient cans to live a long time with a mixes tablet treatment and continues advance medicine.But the teatment is very expensive.

    ANALYSIS: The AIDS is transmit by sexual contact,blood transfers and usign the same syringe of the other person or other type of blood contact.

    SYNTESIS: In the last days keep count of 27,000 cases into El Salvador and began a new conscience by the inhabitants and the state.With programs like CONASIDA,strengthen preventive and protective measures, information in the national channel educative,information at the schools and help by NGOs for improve the education and prevention of this disease.

    EVALUATION: This disease has been cause many deaths around the world and we have to stop it with the uniques weapons that we have, such as:Be faithful to one’s partner,prevention,no use drugs,a lot education about AIDS and always remember this disease doesn’t have cure yet.

    A- Are the precolumbian inhabitants of North and South America.
    B- Aboriginal is a Canadian word for describe to indigenous people.
    C- People that is from United States.
    D- This application originated with Christopher Columbus who thought that he had arrived in the East Indies, while seeking Asia.
    E- They were historically hunter-gatherers,aquaculture and agriculture.
    F- Bolivia, Perú, México, Guatemala, Colombia and Ecuador.
    G- They decide to conserv their own costumes like dresses,traditions,language, etc. However, they live in the middle of the modern society but keeping their own identify.
    H- Tazumal, Joya de Ceren, San Andrés, Casa Blanca, Cihuatán and Chalchuapa.
    I- Is a Mesoamerican Civilization, noted for the only known fully developed written language of the precolumbian Americas, as well as for its art, architecture and mathematical and astronomical systems.
    J- Hondurs, Guatemala, Northern El Salvador and Central Mexico.
    K- Some theories are: overpopulation, foreign invasion, peasant revolt, collapse of key trade routes, environmental disaster, epidemic disease and climate change.

  31. Indigenous Peoples of the American:
    a. When are the indigenons people? Are the Columbian inhabitants of North and South American.
    b. Who are the aboriginal people? Their descendants and other ethnic groups who are indentified with those people, indigenous people are know in Canada as Aboriginal people.
    c. Who are the native americans? They are commonly referred to as Indians, American indians or Amerindians, but are also know by their specific tribal and cultural ancestry and citizenship.
    d. The term “indian” come from? Originated with Christopher Columbus, who thought that he arrived in East Indies, while seeking Asia.
    e. What were native americans occupations? Hunter-gatherers, many practiced aquaculture and agriculture, reshaping and cultivating the flora. Practiced mix of farming, hunting and gahering.
    f. Which countries do they have indigenous americans? Bolivia, Peru, Mexico, Guatemala, Colombia and Ecuador.
    g. What does it mean that some indigenous people suffer of isolution? Some indigenous had a few are still counted as uncontacted people.
    h. What ruins in El Salvador can you mention? Tazumal, Joya de Ceren, San Andres, Casa Blanca, Cihuatan and Chalchuapa.
    i. Describe the Maya civilization Is a Mesoamerican Civilization, developed written language of the precolumbian.
    j. Which countries were influenced by Maya civilizations? Honduras, Guatemala, Northern El Salvador and to as far a Central Mexico, more than 1,000 Km. (620mi) from the Maya Area.
    k. Why the Maya civilization collapse? Environmental disaster, epidemic disease, and climate change.


    Today, i had one of the most interesting experience in my life. We went to TP- Teleperformance-it´s a call center,located near to ITCA, is a new building. They just moved a few weeks ago. They were expecting us,everybody was friendly, they gave everyone an ID because is the rule and then Fernando González introduced himself and told us: “Welcome to Teleperformance I´m Fernando González,I´ve been worked 3 years for this company and I´m the building coordinator…” and introduced his partner Miss Ada Chang who is the recruiter. She explained to us what are the requirements to get in: “You must speak English (90%), have computer skills (80%) and pass psyco test (40%), in a ordinary day if we have time we can interview you and we´ll do all the tests, if not, we´ll give you an appointment.” They show us the cafeteria and a relaxing area, if you want to check your facebook,twitter and e-mail this is a right area to do it, because for security reasons you can´t use your cellphone in a working area. Then we went to 2nd floor and met the work area, there Guillermo introduced himself and explained some benefits for work on TP. Then we went to 4th floor wich still in improved and went to 3rd floor wich is ready to start. This trip was really inspired, because it motivates us to prepare and improved our skills in different English areas-listening, writing, grammar- because,if we want we can became in a succesful people!

  33. Hello people,the last saturday our teacher Moises went us to the TELEPERFORMANCE intalations; and there we were receive by Fernando Gonzales,who after show us the instalations; in the first floor we found the lockeds and the cafeteria, around of the cafeteria there a computer center and a game zone for the employeds relax there like others spaces for relax in the others floors.

    After we up to the stairs to the second floor and we saw and listen employeds a lot percent youngers,they were receive calles; and the guide of the second floor show us a cup that he received for his work. After we went to the four floor there is nothing there ,but sure in the future after we down stairs to the third floor and we found all equipped for starting the operations there and sir Fernando explain the chair and cubicles design for this work.I don’t remember in which floor the history of the TELEPERFORMANCE is with the picture of the founder,but is there.

    At the end they given food in the cafeteria after we leaved the garbage in recicle box after we said goodbye,take care,well it was great all people were very hospitality.

    Thanks,teacher Moises and TELEPERFORMANCE.


    Today (Saturday) all students in intermediate 11, we visited the building Teleperformace (TP). It was an interesting experience, because the first rule is we can not speak English, do not speak Spanish. At first I was afraid because I think it is reading and writing are a little easier, but talking and listening are difficult for me.
    At the reception we received Ada Chang and Fernando Gonzalez, who explained the activities that take place there. TP is a call center and working with 3 companies: Kohl, options and Wester Union Hotel, also in the future work with Taca.
    First Ada Chang explained the requirements to work in TP, perform three tests: reading / writing, computer use and understanding (listening and speaking in English). Employees have opportunities to excel in the company.
    First floor: reception, cafeteria and playground for relaxation of employees.
    Second floor: the area of operations, people are working here. Guillermo told us what an operator. They have teams and win prizes when you stand.
    Fourth floor: is empty at the moment but has a wonderful view.
    Third floor is prepared for approximately 250 people.
    I did not understand everything that Fernando, Ada and William explained, but I see the importance of all time in English class. I never thought I could understand much of an explanation entirely in English. Thanks for the opportunity to test my ability to understand language.

    1. First,we walked from ITCA to TP and there, the supervisor received us, and we started a tour to the principal and most important places in the building. In the first floor, the supervisor told us about the security inside and outside,then, with Ada Chang, she explained aabout the hiring method, which includes some tests of grammar level, a psicological test and listening comprehension, then, we visited the cafeteria and the games zone, we went to the second floor to see to see the operation zone of Choice Hotels; when the people were working, we watched them in a real call; we wnt to the training area, third and fourh floor, and finally, we had a sandwich to finish the tour.

  35. 1- How many Dracula films have been recorded accorded to Internet movie database ?
    2- Besides of Dracula films , What is the second place of films recorded ?
    3- What is the name of the film derived from Dracula which was named by The Maganize total film as the 30th greatest British fill of all time ?
    4- Where and When was placed the first stage adaptation of Dracula?
    5- What is the company name who produced a Radio adaptation of Dracula ?
    6- Please mention 3 Novel names of Dracula ind their authors .
    7- What kind of literature is INSATIABLE ?
    8- What does “ The Diary of Dracula “ consist ?
    9- What kind of dance was the adaptation of Dracula ?
    10- Please mention 3 Comics adaptation of Dracula .
    11- What is the name of the Video game released in 2010 Castlevania ?
    12- Please provide the name of a TV series where an adaptation of Dracula has been included.
    13-There were two TV animated movies , Can you mention the names ?
    14-Who is Count of Chocula ?
    1-Dracula may reach as high as 649.
    2- Sherlock Holmes,(and several hundred more that have vampires as their subject)
    3- Dracula.
    4- Lyceum Theatre in London,on May 18th 1897.
    5- The Mercury Theatre on the air.
    6- Stephen King´s “Salem´s Lot”
    Kim Newman´s “Anno Dracula”
    Fred Saberhagen´s “The Dracula Tape”
    7- It´s a novel that has a main character named Meena Harper who has a relationship whit Dracula´s son Lucien.
    8- Expands heavily on the Dracula character,blending the fictional Count with his inspiration, the real life Viovode of Wallachia,Vlad the Impaler, in a biography.Although the novel has non-historical elements for entertaiment valve,most of the events depicted therein have a real historical basis, such as the fall of Constatinople and the night attack of 1462.
    10-Tomb of Dracula,X-Men Apocalypse vs Dracula,The Curse of Dracula.
    11-Castlevania: Lords of Shadow.
    12- Supernatural, Doctor Who, The Munsters, Gilligan´s Island.
    13- Scooby-Doo and the Ghoul School, Scooby-Doo and the Reluctant Werewolf.
    14- Is a vampire who craves Count Chocula cereal rather than blood. His title of count is an allusion to that of Count Dracula´s.

  36. 1Like as 649….
    2 Sherlock Holmes and several hundred more that have vampires as their subject
    4Lyceum Theatre in London
    5The Mercury Theatre on the air.
    6Salem´s Lot
    Anno Dracula
    The Dracula Tape
    7It´s a novel that has a character that named Meena Harper who has a relation whit Dracula´s son Lucien
    8Expands on the Dracula character,blending the fictional Count with his inspiration, the real life Viovode of Wallachia,Vlad the Impaler, in a biography.Although the novel has non-historical elements for entertaiment ,most of the events depicted therein have a real historical basis.
    10Tomb of Dracula,X-Men Apocalypse vs Dracula,The Curse of Dracula.
    11Castlevania: Lords of Shadow.
    12Supernatural, Doctor Who, The Munsters, Gilligan´s Island
    13Scooby-Doo and the Ghoul School, Scooby-Doo and the Reluctant Werewolf.
    14Is a vampire who need rather to blood. His title of count is an allusion to that of Count Dracula´s.
    These are my answers a little in the night but I do not have time now already almost and believe that teacher has noticed truth believe that like that it is…….


    1. How many Dracula films have been recorded accorded to Internet movie database ? R/The number of films that include a reference to Dracula may reach as high as 649 according to the Internet Movie Database.

    2. Besides of Dracula films , What is the second place of films recorded ?
    R/The second place is Sherlock Holmes.

    3. What is the name of the film derived from Dracula which was named by The Maganize total film as the 30th greatest British fill of all time ?R/The name of the film is Dracula.

    4. Where and When was placed the first stage adaptation of Dracula?
    R/Was on May 18,1897 at the Lyceum Theatre in London (England).

    5. What is the company name who produced a Radio adaptation of Dracula ?
    R/The name is Broadway production company.

    6. Please mention 3 Novel names of Dracula ind their authors .
    1-Salem’s Lot by Stephen king.
    2-Anno Dracula by Kim Newman.
    3-The Dracula Tape by Fred Saberhagen.

    7. What kind of literature is INSATIABLE ?
    R/Romance novel Meg Cabot in 2010, about Meena Harper has a relationship with Dracula’s son.

    8. What does “ The Diary of Dracula “ consist ? R/Expands Dracula character with Vlad the Impaler’s biography.

    9. What kind of dance was the adaptation of Dracula ? R/Was a balletic adaptation.

    10. Please mention 3 Comics adaptation of Dracula .
    1-Tomb of Dracula. (Marvel Comics)
    2-X-Men:Apocalypse vs. Dracula.(Marvel Comics)
    3-The Curse of Dracula.(Dark Horse Comics)

    11. What is the name of the Video game released in 2010 Castlevania ?
    R/ The name is Castlevania: Lords of shadow by KONAMI.

    12. Please provide the name of a TV series where an adaptation of Dracula has been included.
    – Supernatural, Sam and Dean hides under the guise of count Dracula.

    13. There were two TV animated movies , Can you mention the names ?
    1-Scooby-Doo and the Ghoul School (1988)
    2-Scooby-Doo and the Reluctant Werewolf (1989)

    14. Who is Count of Chocula ? R/Count Dracula is a fictional character and the titular antagonist of Bram Stoker’s 1897 Gothic horror novel Dracula.

  38. 1. How many Dracula films have been recorded accorded to Internet movie database ? Dracula may reach as high as 649.
    2. Besides of Dracula films , What is the second place of films recorded ? Sherlock Holmes
    3. What is the name of the film derived from Dracula which was named by The Maganize total film as the 30th greatest British fill of all time ? Lee as Dracula / Horror of Dracula
    4. Where and When was placed the first stage adaptation of Dracula? London, May18, 1897
    5. What is the company name who produced a Radio adaptation of Dracula ? The Mercury Theatre on the air
    6. Please mention 3 Novel names of Dracula ind their authors .
    i) Loren D. Estleman “The Case of the Sanguinary Count Pits”
    ii) Kelly Jacobs “The Dairy of Drakula”
    iii) Freda Warrington “Dracula the Undead”
    7. What kind of literature is INSATIABLE ? Meg Cabot´s 2010 novel insatiable has a main character named Meena Harper, who has a relationship with Dracula´s son, Lucien.
    8. What does “ The Diary of Dracula “ consist ? The novel is the first part of a two part series wich is written in the same style as the original by Bram Stoker. As a collection of diary entries, letters and various documents.
    9. What kind of dance was the adaptation of Dracula ? Northem Ballet Theatre/U.K
    10. Please mention 3 Comics adaptation of Dracula . Tomb of Dracula/Dracula lives/X-Men Apocalypse Vs. Dracula
    11. What is the name of the Video game released in 2010 Castlevania ? reboot Castlevania: Lord of Shadow
    12. Please provide the name of a TV series where an adaptation of Dracula has been included. Supernatural, season 4 and Gilligan´s Isalnd
    13. There were two TV animated movies , Can you mention the names ? Scooby –Doo and the Ghoul School and Scooby – Doo and the Reluctant Werewolf.
    14. Who is Count of Chocula ? is a vampire who creave Count Chocula cereal rather than blood.

  39. 1- The number of films was 649.
    2- Sherlock Holmes
    3- Van Helsing
    4- In London, May 18,1897
    5- The Mercury Theatre on the Air
    a)”The dairy of Drakula” of Kelly Jacobs
    b)”Dracula the undead” of Freda Warrington
    c)”The case of the sanguinary count pits” of Loren D. Estleman
    7- The Meg’s Cabot 2010 novel has a principal character named Meena Harper, whi has a relationship with the Dracula’s son, Lucien.
    8- “The diary of Dracula” is the first part of two series which is written in the same style as the original novel by Bram Stocker.
    9- Northem Ballet Theatre from U.K.
    10- Tomb of Dracula, Dracula lives and X-Men apocalypse vs. Dracula
    11- Castlevania: Lords of Shadow
    12- Supernatural in the season 4, episode “Monster Movie”
    13- “Scooby-Doo and the Ghoul School” and “Scooby-Doo and the Reluctant Werewolf”
    14- It’s a vampire who craves Count Chocula cereal rather than blood.

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